Genre: Roguelike
Team Size: Solo Project Duration: 1 week + 2 week implementation Platform: Board Game, PC (link to download) These documents were among the first of those I created during my game design course. Underlying the creation of this board game is the idea of adding at least three new mechanics to the Yahtzee game. The setting is Japan during the Sengoku period, and the player will be able to choose to play alone or compete with a friend. By taking advantage of the Yahtzee's combinations, the player will have a chance to stand up for himself and try to win The player's goal, for PvE, is to eliminate a number of enemies in order to conquer the castle. Each of these enemies will have one life, one or more stances, and damage. The player will be able to eliminate an enemy to obtain his or her card, which will have bonuses on the back (See game rules) |
The image above represents what should be a character sheet. The left half shows the character's name, a representation of the character, and life points. In the right half, on the other hand, one can find the slot for armor, stances (Useful only for PvP) and the blade used. Finally, in the lower half there is a bonus section
Each of these slots can be filled with cards from defeated enemies
In the period coinciding with the last update on Cyberpunk Project, I decided to take this pitch and make it a PC playable game.
Each of these slots can be filled with cards from defeated enemies
In the period coinciding with the last update on Cyberpunk Project, I decided to take this pitch and make it a PC playable game.
Technical Presentation
Video Gameplay